What is Dying Consciously?
We list this Rite Separately because Death in our Culture is an uncomfortable and delicate subject. The service of Dying Consciously is to assist those preparing for their Journey to the Spirit World and to provide support for loved ones and families through this process. One of the primary services of Dying Consciously is to provide an Emotional & Energetic Clearing of the person as close to their passing as possible. This allows them to pass in peace and not have to carry any unresolved issues with them.
"Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey In the West, we no longer remember how to die with grace and dignity. We shuttle the dying off to hospitals where death is considered a 'disease' and extraordinary measures are taken to prolong life at all costs. Families do not know how to come to closure with the passing of a loved one. Many people die in fear, with unresolved issues, not having said the 'I love yous' and 'I forgive yous'' that would be so healing for them and their families. We have tried to make death invisible, thinking that if we ignore it long enough, it will go away.
The message of the Greatest Journey is that we can come to the end of a life with grace. Its purpose is to assist the person who is making the journey beyond death to do so in a peaceful manner, full of light. The great death rites practiced in this tradition allows us to understand the kind of psychological and emotional closure needed. They provide specific steps to bring reconciliation and healing both to the loved ones and to the person dying so the person can die in a conscious manner.
This means that we seek to maintain consciousness intact through the journey of death and beyond. It is designed for all persons involved in the dying process: The individual, family members, and friends. It offers a message of hope that is possible to bring dignity and peace back to the dying process and teaches us how with ease to follow steps. (Introduction taken from www.dyingconsciously.org)
Perhaps our most delicate of service is that of supporting those whose lives or those of loved ones are nearing a time of transition from this life. We are humbled and honored to offer Dying Consciously Rites to help support ease of transition.
The Greatest Journey is a free service dedicated to helping people die consciously, though your generous donation is greatly appreciated for this extremely hard work. This means that we seek to maintain consciousness intact through the journey of death and beyond. It is designed for all persons involved in the dying process: the individual, family members, and friends. It offers a message of hope that is possible to bring dignity and peace back to the dying process and teaches us how with easy to follow steps.
"Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey In the West, we no longer remember how to die with grace and dignity. We shuttle the dying off to hospitals where death is considered a 'disease' and extraordinary measures are taken to prolong life at all costs. Families do not know how to come to closure with the passing of a loved one. Many people die in fear, with unresolved issues, not having said the 'I love yous' and 'I forgive yous'' that would be so healing for them and their families. We have tried to make death invisible, thinking that if we ignore it long enough, it will go away.
The message of the Greatest Journey is that we can come to the end of a life with grace. Its purpose is to assist the person who is making the journey beyond death to do so in a peaceful manner, full of light. The great death rites practiced in this tradition allows us to understand the kind of psychological and emotional closure needed. They provide specific steps to bring reconciliation and healing both to the loved ones and to the person dying so the person can die in a conscious manner.
This means that we seek to maintain consciousness intact through the journey of death and beyond. It is designed for all persons involved in the dying process: The individual, family members, and friends. It offers a message of hope that is possible to bring dignity and peace back to the dying process and teaches us how with ease to follow steps. (Introduction taken from www.dyingconsciously.org)
Perhaps our most delicate of service is that of supporting those whose lives or those of loved ones are nearing a time of transition from this life. We are humbled and honored to offer Dying Consciously Rites to help support ease of transition.
The Greatest Journey is a free service dedicated to helping people die consciously, though your generous donation is greatly appreciated for this extremely hard work. This means that we seek to maintain consciousness intact through the journey of death and beyond. It is designed for all persons involved in the dying process: the individual, family members, and friends. It offers a message of hope that is possible to bring dignity and peace back to the dying process and teaches us how with easy to follow steps.