Denise is literally THE BEST colon hydrotherapist I have ever experienced – and I’ve been to over a dozen. As a nutrition and health coach specializing in stubborn, chronic dis-eases of many kinds, I am a HUGE advocate of people doing a SERIES of colonics as one of the #1 ways to restore their health. Denise has worked on several of my clients and they all say that she gives a GREAT colonic, is informative, humorous and kind. I wish all my clients lived in Tucson so I could refer them to her – seriously!
KELLY HAYFORD, C.N.C. / Nutrition & Health Coach, Best-selling Author: If It's Not Food, Don't Eat It! "I am a traveling nurse and have had colonics all over the USA. The only colonics I have ever had that involved no discomfort were with Denise. She has a therapeutic touch that goes beyond the actual hydrotherapy and cleansing basics. I always feel lighter, healthier and happier after a cleanse with Denise! I would easily rate her as a "10" as a hydrotherapist. I recommend colonics as a part of a cleansing/holistic lifestyle and further recommend Denise as my therapist of choice. That recommendation, is not given lightly. Additionally, Denise is a warm, lovely person with a calming presence who makes the whole experience a gentle, relaxing process while keeping the client's dignity and privacy intact, and makes comfort the utmost goal." Celia Forno RN, MSN |
I have seen Denise since I entered Recovery over 20 years ago. I have been able to stay sober while many others in the program of AA have not. Colonics and Liver Flushing cleansed my system and started me on a healing journey to better health and dramatically reduced cravings for drugs or alcohol. I feel better and have way more energy. Denise and I have remained friends for all this time. I completely love her and healing presence. Janet Miller
Since receiving a series of colonics my life has been jump-started towards vitality and health. The treatments have released unwanted toxic waste and let my body function effectively as it should. I am 56 and overweight..... dropped 10 lbs in less than a week with the colonics alone!!! This is the real deal, no more joint pain, and a return of energy to enjoy life. I will continue on this path. Thank you, Tom A.
Denise Miller has changed my life. With professionalism, care and a little humor, Denise guided me through my first colonic experience. I did not realize how much better I would feel. I have now done a few series of colonics and about 5 liver gallbladder flushes. I feel better than I have in years!! If you are ready to change your life then I highly recommend Denise. Charles B
Denise is a phenomenal colon hydro-therapist I highly highly recommend her work. I have been working with her for the last six months and I feel better than I have in years! Just one of the many remarkable benefitsI have received from this work is that for the first year ever, in all my 33 years of being in Tucson, I have NOT suffered from seasonal allergies and I am beyond thrilled. Cayelin Castell
I had my 1st Emotional & Energy Clearing Colonic with Denise. What an amazing spiritual, physical & emotional removal of toxins! I felt like a completely different person. God brought me to the Amber Healing Center just at the right time in my healing journey! I highly recommend the Amber Healing Center for a journey to a healthier way being. Thank you. J. Miller

Excellent Practitioner, very insightful regarding overall health considerations. Guided the treatment wonderfully in conjunction with the doctor, leading to excellent results for my teenage daughter. Distinct from most other providers who are disconnected from an healing mindset. Also a wholly appropriate resource for teenage and young adult patients. Anonymous
I have been seeing Denise probably for 7 years or so, she has been key in my path to health. Colonics are a way to clear your physical and emotional body. Thank you Denise for your love & support. Always, cheers to good health. Maya R.
I have worked with Denise in the past. I found it very comfortable and nurturing being on her table. I would warmly recommend her to anyone who is walking a path of self discovery and healing. Jude Nicholson
I have been seeing Denise probably for 7 years or so, she has been key in my path to health. Colonics are a way to clear your physical and emotional body. Thank you Denise for your love & support. Always, cheers to good health. Maya R.
I have worked with Denise in the past. I found it very comfortable and nurturing being on her table. I would warmly recommend her to anyone who is walking a path of self discovery and healing. Jude Nicholson
VERY educated colon therapist, who is willing to share her knowledge with you. I was very pleasantly surprised at how NOT awkward this visit was, and how much I learned about my body and it's functions. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is wanting to cleanse/detox your body and start a healthy lifestyle. Denise is excellent, and I have already made my next appointments. May
Oncologist Recommends Colonic Treatments for his Patients
"I have found over the years that cancer patients who are not doing well usually are toxic and not being cleansed. They certainly are in need of colon hydrotherapy,” advises oncologist and homeopath Douglas Brodie, MD, of Reno, Nevada.
Dr. Brodie has developed CAM methods for cancer treatment and other degenerative diseases aimed at strengthening the immune system. He emphasizes natural and humane approaches to these conditions with colon hydrotherapy being among them. “I do recommend that most of my cancer patients take colon hydrotherapy or ‘colonic irrigations’ because they often improve by having such treatment. Liver cancer in particular shows benefit from colon hydrotherapy, but any internal tumors show effectual change too,” Dr. Brodie says.
* Townsend Letter Article by Morton Walker, DPM; August / September 2000
"I have found over the years that cancer patients who are not doing well usually are toxic and not being cleansed. They certainly are in need of colon hydrotherapy,” advises oncologist and homeopath Douglas Brodie, MD, of Reno, Nevada.
Dr. Brodie has developed CAM methods for cancer treatment and other degenerative diseases aimed at strengthening the immune system. He emphasizes natural and humane approaches to these conditions with colon hydrotherapy being among them. “I do recommend that most of my cancer patients take colon hydrotherapy or ‘colonic irrigations’ because they often improve by having such treatment. Liver cancer in particular shows benefit from colon hydrotherapy, but any internal tumors show effectual change too,” Dr. Brodie says.
* Townsend Letter Article by Morton Walker, DPM; August / September 2000